Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sizzling Semester Topic

As you can all tell by now, I love television. The ordinary genre that I would typically choose to talk about, would be reality T.V; however, I have recently discovered my love of investigative television. With this being said, I chose “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit” as my semester topic. The fact that a sexual assault can turn into a murder mystery in every episode, all the while keeping the audience's interest, is an amazing accomplishment. From the semi-gruesome story line, to the unpredictable conclusion, this is a show that I feel would be extremely interesting to analyze. Because this show is a form of a compilation television show, composed of many different branches, including “Law and Order” and “Law and Order: Criminal Intent,” I came about choosing “Special Victims unit” because of the superior quality of acting represented in this stem of Law and Order, in addition to the higher intensity of the plot lines. I am thrilled about studying this show, and I am excited to see what I can do with it.

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